Were you affected by the recent storms? TTLC can help.

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Free Inspection
Richard P.

My mother lives in an area that was hit with some high winds during the Fathers Day tornadic activity in the West and Southwest suburbs. A rep from TTLC approached me in the next week and had done a couple claims in the neighborhood and when he went to inspect the roof, he said based on his experience (which I later found out wasnt more than 3 or 4 years with the company), he was certain the damage would be able to get a claim for a new roof. Again. no guarantees, I get it. So we file a claim with the insurance company and the day the Insurance inspector or claims adjuster is supposed to meet him at my mom's, he is a no show. He was also supposed to call me so that I could be present. So basically, I have no advocate for our case there with the insurance inspector. The claim gets denied. No guarantees that it would have happened, but as far as I am concerned, we didnt even get to the plate. We had no chance. Very unprofessional.

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